Spring is knocking on the door which means it is time to head over to South Plains Implement and stock up on everything you need for lawn care and landscaping. By starting your yardwork now, you have the best shot at creating a lawn that is equipped to resist damage from weeds, foot traffic, weather and pests all year.



Yard thatch aka grass clippings, tiny sticks, dead leaves, etc, prevents grass from getting enough sunlight resulting in bare spots or yellow patches of grass. Spending an hour or two raking your yard not only ensures the landscape looks great, but also is a great source of exercise. It's a win-win! Tools to help with this process include rakes, hoes, leaf blowers and yard carts.



Lawn care experts recommend aerating your yard every 1-3 years focusing on areas that experience a great deal of traffic or have quite a bit of clay in the soil. Aerating enables the root bed to absorb the water and nutrients. In West Texas, early spring is the best time to tackle this chore. While you could use a pitchfork, the quickest method is to attach an aerator tool to your lawn mower. 



Before you can start filling your flower beds with spring blooms, you have to first prepare them. Not only does this require adding mulch and fertilizer, but also using a lawn edger to remove unwanted weeds and long grass from the edges of your raised beds. Edgers and brush cutters can also be used to keep the sides of your driveway and walkways tidy.



Removing dead or broken branches from trees in the early spring help keep them healthy and your landscaping looking nice. South Plains Implement carries chainsaws and pole pruners at select locations to help keep your trees in shape.



Now is the best time to take an inventory of your tool shed and make sure you have all you need to keep your yard looking presentable. Recommended tools are:

  • Spade Shovels
  • Edgers
  • A Wheelbarrow/Yard Cart
  • Rakes
  • Hoses
  • Hedge Trimmers
  • Hand Pruners
  • Gloves
  • A reliable Law Mower and Mower Attachments


South Plains Implement has the tools needed to keep you from being "that yard" in your neighborhood. Contact us today to learn more!

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